Prostatitis is a severe disease of the male genitalia and often affects young men under the age of forty. Although her symptoms - decreased sexual desire, difficulty urinating, pain in the groin - are very painful, men do not rush to the doctor.
The reason for this is the lack of information about this disease, there are many myths and prejudices about it.
However, the manifestations of prostatitis only worsen over time, so it is necessary to immediately contact a qualified urologist at the first signs of prostatitis.
Causes of prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Doctors classify acute and chronic stages of the disease. If the former is not treated, then the inflammation quickly becomes chronic and is fraught with many complications, such as sexual dysfunction and even the development of malignant tumors of the prostate.
What are the reasons for its formation?
Here are just a few:
- Sexually transmitted diseases. Often men, even unknowingly, carry a certain infection, because the disease is completely asymptomatic. But this picture is very misleading. As the immune system fails, for example, under the influence of a stressful situation, it stimulates the development of prostatitis. The most common causative agents of the disease are herpes virus, Candida fungi, Escherichia coli and others.
- Untreated bladder infections. In this case, the infection easily spreads to the nearby prostate gland.
- Blood stasis in the pelvic region. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and irregular sexual activity. In this case, there is a disease called non-bacterial prostatitis.
- Constant hypothermia, stress, the presence of infectious foci in the body, including decayed teeth.
- Prostatitis can develop as a complication after severe infectious diseases - influenza, tonsillitis and others.
The main symptoms of prostatitis
Regardless of the cause, the most common symptoms of this disease include:
- capacity reduction;
- pain and difficulty urinating;
- pain of varying severity in the groin and genital area.
Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis
As mentioned above, the first stage of bacterial prostatitis is acute, does not last more than 3-5 days, and then gradually becomes chronic.
It is very important not to miss the first signs of the disease:
- Pain in the groin and scrotum;
- acute pain during urination;
- Pain in the glans of the penis after sexual intercourse;
- Deterioration of erection, decreased duration of sexual intercourse.

A few days after the first symptoms appear, the pain subsides, and men have the deceptive impression that the danger has passed. However, this only indicates that the prostatitis is slowly but surely becoming chronic.
Such a course of the disease is characterized by the following:
- Alternative periods of remission and exacerbation of prostatitis;
- Difficulty urinating, frequent urges, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder are added to the above symptoms of the disease.
During the exacerbation of chronic bacterial prostatitis, patients suffer from the same symptoms as in the acute form.
Even seemingly harmless factors can cause this:
- hypothermia;
- Cold;
- An unrealized erection;
- Avitaminosis;
- Stress and overwork;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- constipation;
- irregular sex life;
- Smoking and alcohol abuse.
Symptoms of non-bacterial prostatitis
This disease is also called congestive prostatitis. This is the most dangerous and common type of pathology. Its development is directly related to the lifestyle of modern man.
Medical researchers compare chronic congestive prostatitis to dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis or cancer in terms of severity and prevalence, because its negligent form is a direct route to prostate cancer.
This form of the disease can be discussed when the inflammation of the prostate is caused by other factors, not any microorganisms - prolonged absence of sexual intercourse, sedentary lifestyle, regular stressful situations.
Such a conclusion can be drawn from the results of bacteriological research, which shows the absence of pathogenic microorganisms.
The symptoms of this form of the disease are slightly different from bacterial:
- Patients complain of periodic or persistent dull pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen, groin, and genitals;
- Problems with sexual dysfunction and urination;
- Depressed mental state of patients
Symptoms of chronic asymptomatic prostatitis

This is a latent form of the disease. As the name suggests, it is asymptomatic, ie there is an inflammatory process in the prostate, but it does not affect the patient's condition.
Some medical researchers consider this form of pathology to be normal age-related changes in the prostate gland that occur only due to disruption of the blood supply to the body.
The disease is often found in a patient quite accidentally, for example, during abdominal surgery associated with a completely different diagnosis.
To prevent prostatitis, you need to know its causes.
Thus, the main measures to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland:
- The main measures to prevent prostatitis, as already mentioned, include regular sexual activity, but it is still important to avoid casual sex or use contraceptives. This measure is mandatory, because about 30% of cases of prostatitis are associated with sexually transmitted diseases.Sex Alternatives- Masturbation is also welcomed by urologists, because full-fledged sexual intercourse improves the blood supply to the prostate gland.
- Physical activity, active lifestyle. Physical education and sports are useful as a general strengthening measure, but it is worth paying attention to exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvic region. These include running, skating, skiing, etc.
- Regular preventive examinations by a urologist or andrologist at least once a year.
- Timely treatment of foci of infection in the body, such as oral hygiene.
The diagnosis of prostatitis is complex and multifaceted

The diagnosis of prostatitis is primarily related to determining the cause of the disease, which includes the following steps:
- Of great importance for clarifying the picture of the disease is the survey of the patient, who must describe in detail his complaints - the localization of certain feelings, their duration, what events the manifestations are associated with, and then began. Also, at the time of admission, the doctor carefully examines the patient's medical record for previously transmitted diseases, examinations and tests. The urologist clarifies the patient's sexual life and information about the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Examination of a smear and itching of the urethra. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the smear and the presence of pathological microflora in the excavation will indicate the presence of infection.
- General urinalysis. Helps to determine the presence of infection, the presence of which is indicated by an increase in the number of leukocytes (more than 5).
- Ejaculation analysis. It is performed to confirm the diagnosis of non-bacterial prostatitis.
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland. Allows you to see the full picture of the disease. In both acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate, it is performed to clarify the diagnosis of suspected cancer.
Pain and decreased potency - as the first signs of prostatitis
Doctors often deal with an already advanced form of the disease, because most men either ignore the first alarming calls - pain in the groin and decreased libido, or the disease itself is asymptomatic for some time.
These are features of the male anatomy - the blood circulation in the prostate becomes difficult, there is a "nutrient environment" for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, a sedentary lifestyle significantly exacerbates this problem. Therefore, the reason for the widespread spread of prostatitis among truck drivers and office workers is clear.
In one way or another, up to 50% of the world's male population has experienced certain symptoms of prostatitis. Therefore, it is very important to know the first signs of the disease and seek timely medical attention. After all, the treatment of an advanced form of the disease is expensive and time consuming.
Treatment that brings the patient back to full life

Of course, getting rid of prostatitis at an early stage is easier than a neglected disease. However, it is the most common chronic form that doctors encounter, and it usually requires long-term and complex treatment.
But in any case, you must first determine the main cause of the pathology - blood stasis and (or) inflammation in the prostate.
Thus, the complex treatment of prostatitis includes:
- Inflammatory processes are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. In addition, the drug is prescribed both in tablet form and in the form of rectal suppositories. In the complex, infusions of herbs (chamomile, calendula) administered in the form of microclysters help well.
- However, treatment of prostatitis should not be limited to medication, but should focus on restoring blood circulation in the prostate gland, which includes a complex of physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. Such measures help to better absorb antibacterial drugs, as they improve the blood supply to the prostate gland. Doctors often prescribe for prostatitis: electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy;
- Prostate massage. This procedure is useful and effective, but should not be performed at home without consulting a doctor, because it has many contraindications, including the acute stage of the disease.
In conclusion, the treatment and prevention of prostatitis depends more on the desire and activity of men. Primary morning exercises, regular preventive examinations by a urologist, a balanced diet - this is the key to male strength and longevity!